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时间:2020年11月09日 来自:来源: 陕西成人高考网 资讯更全面,成考更专业 访问点击量:3816次


It remains to be seen    North Korea will remain stable under its new young leader.

A.when% b" T+ C) `, ^5 N0 b* b B.whether5 Z0 S: e ]8 ^& I( _ i C.why" j5 M! e& a- S h' H5 g D.that- G4 d# c$ e' A/ M! K9 X

—How did he break his head while swimming?
   my warnings, he dived straight into the shallow water.

A.To ignore 3 T7 O; U4 R0 W! i9 ? B.Ignored. C) P' Y0 H, C; e' F9 D
C.Ignoring / X2 V+ f; W+ S9 d& J; H8 a& j D.Being ignored5 I; O$ @9 B ^7 \* Y+ ^. C) X

The book was written   careful observations and detailed studies.

A.on the ground of B.on behalf of
C.on average D.on the basis of

—Have you heard that Jones, along with her parents,     to Hainan for the winter vacation?
—Really? No wonder I haven’t seen her these days.

A.has been 0 `4 B& F1 C& E8 K( S B.have been& L* M8 B, e$ W$ h5 K
C.has gone9 j, [, ]2 @3 A1 e1 O* T/ Y, W, G D.have gone* L' g7 B! G* U% b4 C1 W- c

   is some doubt   Tom will come to see me this weekend as usual.

A.It; that B.It; whether
C.There; that D.There; whether
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On May 10, 2013, Ma Yun resigned as CEO of Alibaba, and Lu Zhaoxi  it over.

A.took B.handed C.got D.came
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—Mom, can we go to the bakery for some cake?
  . Can’t you see I’m busy with the draft?

A.Take it easy! e; Q H. T9 P J8 S$ W8 U2 f B.Forget it& g! h+ @/ X6 F; R
C.Don’t mention it , i3 I9 h+ g5 G' j* D5 S3 _- L) W+ L( K D.Yes, go ahead$ O: G2 Q% @2 B5 Q

The young couple will have to rent a house, for their newly bought one  .

A.was decorated 6 _* H1 N3 I; S+ Z- [0 b B.is being decorated1 d& C2 J7 S: Z5 g. T
C.will decorate / M# C$ F5 E5 R3 a D.had decorated) h* O. Z9 \5 V* X \5 E% C: j

After the earthquake I went there, I saw the whole town  , and now everything has changed.

A.in ruins , @! U" b2 h, ]( Z5 [; X! @ B.in poverty$ L+ f2 e Z- ^+ V
C.in disorder 5 i* X2 @: A: ^ M D.in rags8 K- A* j" _3 i+ i

—She has done rather well in Independent Enrollment(自主招生)exams.
  she seems to be very happy and relaxed.

A.No doubt ( S# ?8 B6 h3 J' Z B.No way. K% d8 S4 I3 E$ P# i3 e
C.No wonder - ]+ L' J% R! \ @3 A8 a- I D.No chance1 E; E+ D, ^* Z2 d

Now the Great Wall is   , so the Chinese authorities are working on a monitoring and warning system along the wall to preserve it in the future.

A.on good condition, H, F; O7 C' M: Y* a5 V3 R. j+ @ B.in good condition- K3 S) H2 L2 @. F( Y& R T/ L
C.in poor condition 2 J' F. \. Y) Y" N/ I; M D.on bad condition) J9 C; T, d: X- J9 E& R( P

People built a bridge over the river   those who died in the floods while saving others.

A.in need of & X: _' @2 ^3 @# J) G; f4 G B.in memory of' a" J T2 a& b% B* E
C.in charge of A4 c, D. R' [" I D.in praise of# S6 c- i/ ^# g. T$ `+ a% c

—Happy birthday!
—Thank you! It’s the best present I  for.

A.should have wished 2 [* X' c& G1 D0 h- i, j. O; d B.must have wished8 D; L% E- [+ A
C.may have wished : e6 P7 G6 g0 M' A6 f; O- f& Y0 C D.could have wished8 H* P3 ?' R6 ?; E$ J' f4 e8 j

Tony lent me the money,    that I’d do as much for him.

A.hoping ' ^1 R- U7 D) @' R' J4 @* N  B.to hope9 L& S4 J% i9 ^( h$ L- d5 ] 
C.hoped ! `* Y- [7 a' S D' H+ C  D.having hoped3 _3 G5 ?% T M! ]8 W& R: j$ ?/ [ 


Tsinghua University,    in 1911, is home to a great number of outstanding figures.

A.found7 C& Q2 c3 j9 L. \ B.founding% b+ F* O" ], L+ D5 j R
C.founded ! Q! f% f! O/ b1 F. `1 g+ J& J! ^" ? D.to be founded$ ?0 a7 g* ? B9 [# T: b( U


On March 25, 2013, two pandas were shipped from China to Canada. The pandas received a warm welcome to the North America from Canada’s Prime Minister Step

hen Harper and Chinese ambassador(大使)Zhang Junsai.
The pandas will spend five years at the Toronto Zoo, and then spend another five years at the Calgary Zoo. This is the first time in 20 years that pandas have been sent to a Canadian zoo. “I want to offer my sincere thanks to the government of China for sharing these two pandas, symbolizing peace and friendship, with all Canadians, ”said Prime Minister Harper.
The pandas are named Er Shun and Da Mao. Er Shun, a five-year-old female, came from the Chongqing Zoo, in southwest China. Da Mao, a four-year-old male, traveled from Chengdu. The panda passengers were given plenty of snacks throughout the flight. Each panda received more than 200 pounds of bamboo and 100 pounds of apples.
The number of pandas is decreasing and now there are only 1, 600 pandas left in the wild. And this is partly due to the loss of their primary food source, bamboo. According to a recent study, warming temperatures are causing a shortage of bamboo in at least one region of China where pandas live.
The climate in Er Shun and Da Mao’s new home in Canada isn’t perfect for growing bamboo. Twice a week, the Memphis Zoo, in Tennessee, will ship about 700 pounds of the green plant up north to the Toronto Zoo. While the pandas are far from China, zookeepers plan to make Canada feel like their home.
【小题1】We can know from the second paragraph that  .

A.China often sends pandas to Canada
B.Canada is very thankful for China’s help
C.the two pandas will spend ten years in Canada
D.the two pandas will only live in one place.

【小题2】According to the passage, the two pandas  .

A.are both four years old
B.are from the same Chinese zoo
C.can eat as many as 100 pounds of apples in a day
D.were given over 400 pounds of bamboo on the flight

【小题3】What is Paragraph 4 mainly about?

A.The reason for the decreasing number of pandas.
B.The primary food source of pandas.
C.The lifestyle of pandas in the wild.
D.The effects of warming temperatures on bamboo.

【小题4】It can be learned from the passage that  .

A.pandas eat nothing but bamboo and apples
B.the climate in Toronto is unfit for bamboo to grow
C.the animal that all Canadians like best is pandas
D.China lent the two pandas just in order to help Canada

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