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时间:2014年02月22日 来自:来源: 陕西成人高考网 资讯更全面,成考更专业 访问点击量:3912次

101 turn a blind eye to 熟视无睹     

102 blow away 刮走    blow down 吹倒; blow off 吹掉   blow out 吹灭   blow up 爆炸   103on board 在船(火车/飞机)上

 go on board  上船(火车/飞机)  

104 be in the same boat 同舟共济

105 keep body and soul together  维持生命(活)  

106 book (check ) in  办理登记手续

107  borrow sth. from sb.   从。。。借到某物 ;   lend sth. to sb.   把。。。借出

108 bother about 打扰   have bother( difficulty/trouble/danger) in doing sth. 干。。。有麻烦

109      from the bottom of one’s heart  由衷地 ;  from top to bottom  从上到下

110      break down 出毛病  break  away from 脱离  break in 打断; break into 破门而入

break out爆发   break the law 违法  break off突然停止  break through突围   have/take a break      

111 hold one’s breath 憋住气  lose one’s breath 上气不接下气 

take (draw) breath 歇口气  take(draw) a deep breath  深呼吸  breathe in (out)呼吸(出)

112 in brief( short)=in short words  简言之   113 bring in 吸引;引进  

bring down 降低;   bring forward 提出; bring up 抚育;  bring about 产生;导致

114 build up one’s health 健体强身;    build a good reputation  树林名誉

115 burn to the ground 把。。烧光;  burn sth. down 焚为平地;  burn up 烧(旺)起来

116 burst out( crying) 爆发;            burst into ( tears) 突然爆发

117 be none of sb.’s business 不关某人的事;     on business 因公出差

118 be busy doing sth.     be busy with sth.  忙于干某事

119 by and by 不就以后;    by and large  大体上

120 call for  请求;要求;     call at +地点名词 )访问;

 call in 召集;  call out 大声叫;  call up  打电话;回忆起

   make a call on sb.=make /give sb. a call =give sb. a ring 给。。。打电话

121 calm down (使)平息    122 go camping  去野营 ; summer camp  夏令营

123 can’t help doing sth. 禁不住做某事   124  call off=cancel取消

125 take care of=look after 照料        126 care for  喜欢;想要

127 carry away 运走;使失去理智; carry off 带走;  carry on 继续;carry out 贯彻;落实

128 in any case 无论如何   in that case 假若那样;  in case(of) 万一;   in no case  决不

129 be caught in (the rain,the shower, a trap) 遇雨;陷入圈套;   catch up with 赶上

130 cause and effect 因果            immediate cause直接原因

131 be cautious of 谨防  

132  hold a celebration  举行庆祝会; in celebration of 庆祝

133 perform the opening( closing) ceremony 举行开幕(闭幕)式; graduation ceremony毕业典礼  

134  for a certain reason 为了某种原因;   be certain of 确信 

for certain( sure) 肯定地;  make certain ofthat 从句)保证

134 give a challenge to sb. 向某人挑战;   challenge sb. to do sth.  向某人挑战做。。。

   accept one’s challenge to do sth.接受某人的挑战做。。。 

challenge one’s interest/attention 引起某人的兴趣/注意

135 take a chance(risk) 冒险;投机   136 change…for  用。。。换。。。;

change ..into…   把。。。变成      change one’s mind 改变主意

136 be in charge of 处于控制(支配地位)    under sb’s charge 在某人负责下 

 take charge 掌管;负责;      take charge of sth.   控制或掌管某物

137 check out 查明(帐);办理离店手续

138 have no choice but to do 除做。。外别无选择

139 go to( attend) church 去做礼拜;       go to the church 去教堂(做其他的事)

140 clear away  收拾;散去;    clear up (天气)放晴      be good(clever) at 擅长

141  close down 关门 bring to a close 使。。结束   come to a close结束  be close to 接近

142 collect stamps  集邮             143 combine…into   把。。。联合起来

144 come about 发生;    come down 下降;倒下;    come to 达到;共计

145  take command of 指挥;       have a good command of  掌握(语言)

146  compare with  和。。。相比;        compare … to… 把。。。比作  

147 compete with/against sb. 与。。。竞争;compete for 为。。。而竞争;

   compete with sb. in 在。。。方面与某人竞争 

148 concentrate one’s mind( attention) on/upon sth.   把注意力集中在。。。

148  be in good condition 处于良好状态 

 on no condition 决不; on condition that =if  只要

149  in conflict with 与。。。相冲突

150 connect with/to 把。。与。。相连接/相联系    

152 congratulate sb. on sth. 祝贺某人某事

153  in connection with  与。。有联系   

154 in consequence 因此,结果

in consequence of … 由于。。的结果 

155 be considered as( to be/ to do )被看作;认为

156  consider/regard/think of / treat…as… 认为(看待)。。。

157 take into consideration  考虑到;顾及 

158 consist of=be made up of 由。。。构成

consist with  与。。。一致  

159 consult sb.   向某人请教  consult with  与交换意见

160 contrary to 违反;和。。。相反     on the contrary相反

161  contribute to  有助于;促使   make contribution to    为。。。做贡献

162 out of control 失去控制;under control  在控制下

163 convince sb.of sth.使某人信服某事

   be convinced of sth. 相信某人  

164 from all corners of the country来自全国各地

165 corrupt the child 惯坏了孩子

166 at the cost of  以。。。为代价;at all costs 不惜一切代价

167 count on sb./sth. 依赖(指望)某人/某物

168 lose courage 丧失勇气;

take up courage  鼓起勇气  

169  in ( during) the course of   在。。。期间

170 in the crowd(s) 在人群中;be crowded with 挤满了。。。

171cry out for help  大声呼救        cry over   为。。。哭泣 

172  be curious about 对。。感兴趣   

173 cut up  切碎;cut off    切断  

174  do damage( good/ harm) to …毁坏;对有好处(坏处)。。。 

175 in danger( trouble) 处境危险(麻烦); in danger of  在危险中  

176 from dawn till dark 从早到晚

177 in the dark(darkness)  在黑暗中

178 out of date 过时的; make a date 定一个日期;    bring sth. up to date 使。。现代化;make a date with 。。与某人约会; 

date back/from 回溯;  go out of date过时

179 day after day  日复一日 day by day  逐日      the other day前几天;  in a day or two 一两天内  180 turn a deaf ear to 不理会

181 a great/good deal of  大量的(后接不可数名词)deal with   与。。。交易;处理

182 put sb. to death 处死某人;sentence sb. to death 判死刑;

183 in debt 欠债;  pay off the debt 还清债务

184decide to do / be determined to do决定干某事  make a decision 做出决定

185 declare war on     对。。。宣战

186 on the decrease 在减少中  decrease  to 减少到。。。

187 do a good deed 做一件好事 ;   do the deed生效 

188 be deep in( thought) 陷入(沉思)

deep into the night 到深夜    

189 without delay立即

190  take delight in 以。。。为乐; to one’s delight 使。。。高兴的是 be delighted to do…  高兴地做。。。

190 deliver sth.(over) to sb.


191 take one’s departure (from)  告辞         bank deposit银行存款

192  describe as   形容;描绘  give a description of 描述 ;beyond  description难以形容

193 be devoted to doing  sth. /devote oneself /sth. to 专心于;投身于

194 look sth. up in the dictionary ;   turn/refer to the dictionary  查字典

195 die of/from 死于 ;be dying for        渴望; be dying to do sth. 渴望做某事

196 differ from/be different from与。。不同 the difference between( among) 。。之间的区别;   make a difference产生差异;有影响

196 get into difficulty  遇到困难 ; with difficulty  困难地;  without difficulty毫无苦难

197      in all directions( in every direction) 朝四面八方; in the direction of 朝。。。的方向

198      put(keep) sb. at a disadvantage  使处于不利地位 ; to one’s disadvantage  对。。。不利

disagree with.sb./sth. 不同意某人(的话;意见等)

199      have a discussion on/ about  讨论 ;  under discussion在讨论中


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